Rafet El Roman I Love You

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I Love YouRafet El Roman

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Temps: 03:56 Taille: 3.62 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 91


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Rafet El Roman I Love You Paroles de chanson

Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's knocked in the space She didn't live her trace oo corse she lie am brace
LOVE some kind of a dream
Just a little tale
Beginning in your eyes
Take's you to the sky
LOVE beatifull like spring
Like no ather thing
Every whone is looking for
The world to explore
I started in the spare to think about love
I've been after long
Maybe I should have know
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's knocked in the splace
She didn't live her trace oo corse she lie am brace
LOVE is runing trught your win
Makes you go insane
Love can breake your heart
Tares you appart
LOVE makes you feel alive
Love's just like a knife
There's no way to hide
The pain you feel insite
I started in the spare to think about love
I've been after long
Maybe I should have know
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's knocked in the splace She didn't live her trace oo corse she lie am brace
I started in the spare to think about love
I've been after long
Maybe I should have know
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's knocked in the splace She didn't live her trace oo corse she lie am brace
Now that she's far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's knocked in the splace She didn't live her trace oo corse she lie am brace
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day
Now that she's gone so far away
I couldn't make her stay for just another day

Mots clés

rafet roman love you
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