Ozzy Osbourne Road To Nowhere

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Road To NowhereOzzy Osbourne

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Ozzy Osbourne Road To Nowhere Paroles de chanson

I was looking back on my life
And all the things I've done to me
I'm still looking for the answers
And I'm still searching for the key
The wreckage of my past keeps haunting me
It just won't leave me alone
I still find it all a mystery
Could it be a dream?
The road to nowhere leads to me
Through all the happiness and sorrow
I guess I'd do it all again
Live for today and not tomorrow
It's still the road that never ends
The wreckage of my past keeps haunting me
It just won't leave me alone
I still find it all a mystery
Could it be a dream?
The road to nowhere leads to me
Ah ah, the road to nowhere's gonna pass me by
Ah ah, I hope we never have to say goodbye
I never want to live without you (oh yeah)
The wreckage of my past keeps haunting me
It just won't leave me alone
I still find it all a mystery
Could it be a dream?
The road to nowhere leads to me
The road to nowhere leads to me
The road to nowhere leads to me
You got to, got to, got to lead to me
The road to nowhere leads to me
You got to, got to, got to lead to me
You got to, got to, got to lead to me
Ah, the road to nowhere

Mots clés

ozzy osbourne road nowhere
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