Motley Crue Mutherfucker of the Year

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Mutherfucker of the YearMotley Crue

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Temps: 03:57 Taille: 3.64 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 13



Motley Crue Mutherfucker of the Year Paroles de chanson

I'm just a thorn in your side
The disrespect in your eye
I can't control myself
I'm like a snake in your drain
I'm takin' over your brain
'Cause I can't help myself
Every time I turn my head
I can hear everything that's said
I know they wish I'd go away
Here...I am...again.
Hey now, hey now
I'm the motherfucker of the year
Here...I am...again.
Hey now, hey now
I'm the motherfucker of the year
Call me the Jackal in heat
The blackest cat on the street
You better watch yourself
A hand grenade with no pin
A Razor blade goin' in
I'm goin' straight to hell
Everytime I turn my head
I can hear everything that's said
I know they wish I'd go away
Here...I am...again.
Hey now, hey now
I'm the…
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