Manga Fly To Stay Alive

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Fly To Stay AliveManga

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Manga Fly To Stay Alive Paroles de chanson

Manga Fly To Stay Alive Şarkı Sözleri

You’ve fallen right out of the sky
I could swear you’re a natural high
Volcanoes erupting inside, when I see the sparkle in your eyes
But you don’t even realize, cause you’ve been hurt so many times
They played with your heart, told you lies, these were wrong all along you were right
But if you could see my love through a bird’s eye
Will you would know how beautiful it is to
Fly, baby fly, we got to fly to stay alive
These words, these words, No magic till we try
Take a leap, leap of fate
Reach for the stars in the night
Break the curse, of this earth,
There’s miracles up in the sky where love birds fly
Like angels from heaven on earth
with no love they will never die
With dust of the pain and the dirt
And discover a diamond inside
I’m not saying I’m the perfect man, but I swear I will give it a try
I’m no pilot I, got no wings but I, I know we will survive
Cause if you could see a love through a bird’s eye
Will you would know how beautiful it is to
Fly, baby fly, we got to fly to stay alive
These words, these words, No magic till we try
Take a leap, leap of fate
Reach for the stars in the night
Break the curse, of this earth,
There’s miracles up in the sky where love birds fly

Mots clés

manga fly stay alive
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