Major Lazer Light it Up

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Light it UpMajor Lazer

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Temps: 02:50 Taille: 2.61 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 9



Major Lazer Light it Up Paroles de chanson

Stand up like a soldier baby

Yeah, I know you built like that

Gun it like a holster babyShow dem say you wicked like that

We live where the war is raging

Chasing our crazy dreams

Hoping that the bridge won't cave in

Tonight we let it all go free

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Mash it up, hot step in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock




Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Mash it up, hot step in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me

Gimme the ting and make me

Set it ablaze like a candle wick

Hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter

Yeah light it up, set it a

Light it up, light it up

Light it up

Fire like a soldier baby

No retreating we nuh pree dat

Never make them hold you baby

Heart nuh feeble, we nuh take chat

We live where the war is raging

Chasing our crazy dreams

Hoping that the bridge won't cave in

Tonight we let it all go free

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Mash it up, hot step in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock




Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance

Mash it up, hot step in a dance

Gimme the ting and make

Gimme the ting and make

Set it ablaze like a candle wick

Hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter

Light it up, yeah light it up

Set it ablaze like a candle wick

Hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter

Yeah light it up, light it up

Light it up, light it up

Light it up, Light it up

Mots clés

major lazer light
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