LP Tightrope

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Temps: 04:40 Taille: 4.29 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 76


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LP Tightrope Paroles de chanson

[Verse 1]
Hold on, I know you're scared
But you're so close to heaven
Eyes shut tight
Just pretend you're like a feather

Flew down the clouds together
But don't look down, not ever
Don't ask why
Just look out into forever

All this time
You're just trying not to lose it
You can always learn to fly
You never do until you do it

Up high in the middle of nowhere
Don't know, but you'll know when you get there
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope we last but you know, you never know

Take a chance, we can dance up in midair
Feels so good I could die, but I don't care
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope we last but you know, you never know

You never know

[Verse 2]
We're just a step from fearless
Reach out for me, my dearest
Don't you cry
You don't know, you're almost near it

All this time
You're just trying not to lose it
You can always learn to fly
You never do until you do it

Up high in the middle of nowhere
Don't know, but you'll know when you get there
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope I last but you know, you never know

Take a chance, we can dance up in midair
Feels so good I could die, but I don't care
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope we last but you know, you never know

You'll never know
You never know

You never know
You never know

Up high in the middle of nowhere
Don't know, but you'll know when you get there
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope I last but you know, you never know

Take a chance, we can dance up in midair
Feels so good I could die, but I don't care
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope we last but you know, you never know

Up high in the middle of nowhere
Don't know, but you'll know when you get there
Walk slow and low on a tightrope
Hope I last but you know, you never know

You'll never know
You never know

You never know
You never know

Mots clés

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