LP Other People

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Other PeopleLP

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Temps: 04:47 Taille: 4.39 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 49


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LP Other People Paroles de chanson

I never tried to be a hero
You took us from the stars to zero
We had a love devout without a shred of doubt
We never worried 'bout other people
You broke the spell and wanted something else
Well, go fuck yourself with other people

Other people

No more song, no more dance, no dance floor
We left it all to chance, no encore

We had a love devout without a shred of doubt
We never worried 'bout other people
You broke the spell and wanted something else
Well, go fuck yourself with other people

Oh, baby it's just your body
Go, let in on everybody
They won't be there when you're sorry
Other people
Oh, baby it's just your body
Will it know that you love somebody
Who won't be there when you're sorry?
Other people

(Other people)

Thank you baby, thank you babe, darling
Don't explain, don't explain
Thank you baby, thank you babe, darling
Don't explain, don't explain

We had a love devout without a shred of doubt
We never worried 'bout other people
You broke the spell and wanted something else
Well, now go fuck yourself with other people

Oh, baby it's just your body
Go, let in on everybody
They won't be there when you're sorry
Other people
Oh, baby it's just your body
Will it know that you love somebody
Who won't be there when you're sorry?
Other people

Other people

Other people

Mots clés

other people
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