LP Muddy Waters

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Muddy WatersLP

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Temps: 04:30 Taille: 4.15 Mb Téléchargements : 4 Vues: 9



LP Muddy Waters Paroles de chanson

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

We are kneeling at the river's edge and tempting

All the steps to follow closer right behind

Is it only when you feel a part is empty

That it's gnawing at the corners of your mind

I will ask you for mercy

I will come to you blind

What you'll see is the worst me

Not the last of my kind


In the muddy water we're falling


In the muddy water we're crawling

Holds me down

Hold me now

Sold me out

In the muddy waters we're falling

It is not clear why we choose the fire pathway

Where we end is not the way that we had planned

All the spirits gather 'round like it's our last day

To get across you know we'll have to raise the sand

Ooh, I will ask you for mercy

I will come to you blind

What you'll see is the worst me

I'm not the last of my kind


In the muddy water we're falling


In the muddy water we're crawling

Holds me down

Hold me now

Sold me out

In the muddy waters we're falling


Don't fail me now

Put your arms around me and pull me out


I know I'm found

With your arms around me, oh save me now


Oh, oh

Ooh, in the muddy water we're falling


In the muddy water we're crawling

Holds me down

Hold me now

Sold me out

In the muddy water we're falling

Mots clés

muddy waters
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