Lauv Chasing Fire

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Chasing FireLauv

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Lauv Chasing Fire Paroles de chanson

I wanna hate you 'cause I still love you
And it's weighing on my chest
We keep our bodies tied together
To ignore what's coming next
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
But I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
And there's no good way, yeah there's no good way
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you, you
You got that something that I never wanna lose, lose, yeah
It's like dancing when the song's already over
Moving without getting any closer, oh oh oh oh
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you
I wanna feel you, really feel you
Not just hold you close at night
We keep our bodies tied together
To ignore what's on our minds (Yeah)
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
But I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
And there's no good way, yeah there's no good way
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you, you
You got that something that I never wanna lose, lose, yeah
It's like dancing when the song's already over
Moving without getting any closer, oh oh oh oh
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you
Keep chasing fire
No other way, no other way
Keep chasing fire
No other way, no other way
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
But I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye
I was driving you home
Even if I go, even if I stay
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you, you
You got that something that I never wanna lose, lose, yeah
It's like dancing when the song's already over
Moving without getting any closer, oh oh oh oh
I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you
Keep chasing fire
No other way, no other way
Keep chasing fire
No other way, no other way

Mots clés

lauv chasing fire
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