Lana Del Rey Woodstock In My Mind

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Woodstock In My MindLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey Woodstock In My Mind Paroles de chanson

Lana Del Rey - Woodstock In My Mind Sözleri

I was at Coachella

Leaning on your shoulder

Watching your husband swing in time

I guess I was in it

'Cause baby, for a minute

It was Woodstock in my mind

In the next morning

They put out the warning

Tensions were rising over country lines

I turned off the music

Tried to sit and use it

All of the love that I saw that night

'Cause what about all these children

And what about all their parents

And what about about all their crowns they wear

In hair so long like mine

And what about all their wishes

Wrapped up like garland roses

Round their little heads

I said a prayer for a third time

I'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)

I'd take my time for the climb up to the top of it (stairway)

I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (stairway)

I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question

I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question

I was at Coachella

Leaning on your shoulder

Mots clés

lana del rey woodstock mind
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