Lana Del Rey West Coast

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West CoastLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey West Coast Paroles de chanson

I can see my baby swingin'
Ooh baby baby bae, I love you
I can see my baby swingin'
Ooh baby baby bae, I love you
I can see my baby swingin'
Ooh baby baby bae, I love you
I can see my baby swingin'
Down on the West Coast they got a sayin'
"If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'"
But you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?
Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like
It all could happen, that's why I'm leaving
You for the moment, you for the moment
Boy blue, yeah you
I can see my baby swingin'
I can see my baby swingin'
Down on the West Coast, they got their icons
Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigons
And you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?
Down on the West Coast, they love their movies
Their golden gods and rock and roll groupies
And you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?
I can see my baby swingin'
I can see my baby swingin'
You push it hard, I pull away, I'm feeling hotter than fire
I guess that no one ever really made me feel that much higher
Te deseo, cariño, boy, it's you I desire
Your love, your love

Mots clés

lana del rey west coast
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