Lana Del Rey The Blackest Day

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The Blackest DayLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey The Blackest Day Paroles de chanson

Carry me home, got my blue nail polish on
It's my favorite color and my favorite tone of song
I don't really wanna break up, we got it going on
It's what you gathered from my talk, but you were wrong
It's not easy for me to talk about
A half-life in lost dreams
And not simple, it's trigonometry
It's hard to express
I can't explain
Ever since my baby went away
It's been the blackest day, it's been the blackest day
All I hear is Billie Holiday
It's all that I play
It's all that I play
Because I'm going deeper and deeper (deeper)
Harder and harder (harder)
Getting darker and darker
Looking for love
In all the wrong places
Oh my god
In all the wrong places
Oh my god
Carry me home, got my new car and my gun
Wind in my hair, holding your hand, listen to a song
Carry me home, don't wanna talk about the things to come
Just put your hands up in the air, the radio on
'Cause there's nothing for us to talk about
Like the future and those things
'Cause there's nothing for me to think about
Now that he's gone, I can't feel nothing
Ever since my baby went away
It's been the blackest day, it's been the blackest day
All I hear is Billie Holiday
It's all that I play
It's all that I play
Because I'm going deeper and deeper (deeper)
Harder and harder (harder)
Getting darker and darker
Looking for love
In all the wrong places
Oh my god
In all the wrong places
Oh my god
You should've known better
Than to have, to let her
Get you under her spell of the weather
I got you where I want you
You did it, I never
I'm falling for forever
I'm playing head games with you
Got you where I want you
I got you, I got you
I got you where I want you now
Ever since my baby went away
It's been the blackest day, it's been the blackest day
All I hear is Billie Holiday
It's all that I play
It's all that I play
It's not one of those phases I'm going through
Or just a song, it's not one of them
I'm on my own
On my own
On my own again
I'm on my own again
I'm on my own again
I'm on my own again
I'm on my own again

Mots clés

lana del rey the blackest day
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