Lana Del Rey Terrence Loves You

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Terrence Loves YouLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey Terrence Loves You Paroles de chanson

Lana Del Rey - Terrence Loves You Sözleri

[Verse 1]

You are what you are

I don't matter to anyone

But Hollywood legends

Will never grow old

And all of what's hidden

Well, it will never grow cold


But I lost myself when I lost you

But I still got jazz when I've got those blues

And I lost myself when I lost you

And I still get trashed, darling, when I hear your tunes

[Verse 2]

But you are who you are

I won't change you for anything

For when you are crazy

I'll let you be bad

I'll never dare change thee

To what you are not


But I lost myself when I lost you

But I still got jazz when I've got those blues

I lost myself and I lost you too

And I still get trashed, baby, when I hear your tunes


I put the radio on, hold you tight in my mind

Isn’t strange that you’re not here with me

I’m putting all the lights on and the television

Trying to transmit, can you hear me?

Ground control to Major Tom

Can you hear me all night long?

Ground control to Major Tom


Well, I lost myself when I lost you

But I still got jazz when I've got the blues

I lost myself and I lost you too

And I still get trashed, honey, when I hear your tunes







Mots clés

lana del rey terrence loves you
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