Lana Del Rey High By The Beach

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High By The BeachLana Del Rey

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Temps: 04:51 Taille: 4.46 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 8

Lana Del Rey - High By The Beach - Videoclip

Temps: 04:51 Taille: 41.31 Mb Format: .mp4 Téléchargements: 1 Vues: 8



Lana Del Rey High By The Beach Paroles de chanson

Boy look at you looking at me
I know you know how I feel
Loving you is hard, being here is harder
You take the wheel
I don't wanna do this anymore, it's so surreal
I can't survive if this is all that's real
All I wanna do is get high by the beach
Get high by the beach get high
All I wanna do is get by by the beach
Get by baby, baby, bye bye
The truth is I never bought into your bullshit
When you would pay tribute to me
'Cause I know that
All I wanted to do was get high by the beach
Get high baby, baby, bye bye
Boy look at you looking at me
I know you don't understand
You could be a bad motherfucker
But that don't make you a man
Now you're just another one of my problems
Because you got out of hand
We won't survive we're sinking into the sand
All I wanna do is get high by the beach
Get high by the beach get high
All I wanna do is get by by the beach
Get by baby, baby, bye bye
The truth is I never bought into your bullshit
When you would pay tribute to me
'Cause I know that
All I wanted to do was get high by the beach
Get high baby, baby, bye bye
Lights, camera, acción
I'll do it on my own
Don't need your money, money
To get me what I want
Lights, camera, acción
I'll do it on my own
Don't need your money, money
To get me what I want
All I wanna do is get high by the beach
Get high by the beach, get high
All I wanna do is get by by the beach
Get by baby, baby, bye bye
The truth is I never bought into your bullshit
When you would pay tribute to me
'Cause I know that
All I wanted to do was get high by the beach
Get high baby, baby, bye bye
Everyone can start again
Not through love but through revenge
Through the fire, we're born again
Peace by vengeance
Brings the end

Mots clés

lana del rey high the beach
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