Lana Del Rey Body Electric

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Body ElectricLana Del Rey

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Temps: 03:54 Taille: 3.58 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 13


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Lana Del Rey Body Electric Paroles de chanson

Elvis is my daddy, Marilyn's my mother
Jesus is my bestest friend
We don't need nobody, 'cause we got each other
Or at least I pretend
We get down every Friday night
Dancin' and grindin' in the pale moonlight
Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright
Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric, baby
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
I'm on fire
I sing the body electric
Whitman is my daddy, Monica's my mother
Diamonds are my bestest friend
Heaven is my baby, suicide's her father
Opulence is the end
We get down every Friday night
Dancin' and grindin' in the pale moonlight
Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright
Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric, baby
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
I'm on fire
I sing the body electric
My clothes still smell like you
And all the photographs say you're still young
I pretend I'm not hurt
And go about the world like I'm havin' fun
We get crazy every Friday night
Drop it like it's hot in the pale moonlight
Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright
Mary swayin' softly, to her hearts delight
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric, baby
I sing the body electric
I sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
Sing the body electric
I'm on fire
Sing the body electric
I sing the body electric, baby
I sing the body electric, baby
I sing the body electric, baby

Mots clés

lana del rey body electric
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