Lady Gaga feat Elton John-Sine From Above

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feat Elton John-Sine From AboveLady Gaga

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Temps: 04:05 Taille: 3.76 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 112


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Lady Gaga feat Elton John-Sine From Above Paroles de chanson

When I was young, I prayed for lightning
My mother said it would come and find me
I found myself without a prayerI lost my love and no one cared
When I was young, I prayed for lightning

Yeah, I looked
With my face up to the sky, but I saw nothing there
No, no, nothing there
Yeah, I stared
While my eyes filled up with tears, but there was nothing there
No, no, nothing

I heard one sine from above (Ooh)
I heard one sine from above (Ooh)
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine

Healed my heart, heard a sine
Healed my heart, heard a sine

When I was young, I felt immortal
And not a day went by without a struggle
I lived my days just for the nights
I lost myself under the lights
When I was young, I felt immortal

Yeah, I looked
With my face up to the sky, but I saw nothing there
No, no, nothing there
Yeah, I stared
While my eyes filled up with tears, but there was nothing there
No, no, nothing

I heard one sine from above (Ooh)
I heard one sine from above (Ooh)
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine

Healed my heart, heard a sine
Healed my heart, heard a sine

Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Before there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine

Healed my heart
Healed my
Heart, heart
Healed my
Heart, heard a sine
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