Kendrick Lamar Pray For Me

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Pray For MeKendrick Lamar

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Temps: 03:32 Taille: 3.25 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 14



Kendrick Lamar Pray For Me Paroles de chanson

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

I'm always ready for a war againGo down that road again

It's all the same

I'm always ready to take a life again

You know I'll ride again

It's all the same (ooh, ooh, ooh)

Tell me who's gon' save me from myself

When this life is all I know

Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell

Without you, I'm all alone

Who gon' pray for me?

Take my pain for me?

Save my soul for me?

'Cause I'm alone, you see

If I'm gon' die for you

If I'm gon' kill for you

Then I'll spill this blood for you, hey

I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself

I fight God, just tell me how many burdens left

I fight pain and hurricanes, today I wept

I'm tryna fight back tears, flood on my doorsteps

Life a livin' hell, puddles of blood in the streets

Shooters on top of the building, government aid ain't relief

Earthquake, the body drop, the ground breaks

The poor run with smoke lungs and Scarface

Who need a hero? (Hero)

You need a hero, look in the mirror, there go your hero

Who on the front lines at ground zero? (Hero)

My heart don't skip a beat, even when hard times bumps the needle

Mass destruction and mass corruption

The souls of sufferin' men

Clutchin' on deaf ears again, rapture is comin'

It's all prophecy and if I gotta be sacrificed for the greater good

Then that's what it gotta be

Who gon' pray for me?

Take my pain for me?

Save my soul for me?

'Cause I'm alone, you see

If I'm gon' die for you

If I'm gon' kill for you

Then I'll spill this blood for you, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Who gon' pray for me?

Take my pain for me?

Save my soul for me?

'Cause I'm alone, you see

If I'm gon' die for you

If I'm gon' kill for you

Then I'll spill this blood for you, hey

Just in case my faith go, I live by my own law

I live by my own law, I live by my own

Just in case my faith go, I live by my own law

I live by my own law, I live by my own

Mots clés

kendrick lamar pray for
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