Kane Brown Learning

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LearningKane Brown

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Kane Brown Learning Paroles de chanson

Learning, learning, learning
Learning, learning, learning
When I was six years old, I kinda wet the bed
My stepdad came in and nearly beat me to death
All bruised and broken, I was lonely and scared
My mom, she was working, there was nobody there
My nana showed up, she was super protective
Had a tear in her eye, she saw how I was neglected
The crazy part about it, she's a straight-up detective
But you never would've guessed it, how she'd cook you a breakfast
Three weeks later, she had him locked in a cell
Now I'm seven years old with a story to tell
Sing it
I'm gonna let it go
Forgiveness is something we gotta know
'Cause if you hold on forever, it'll hurt your soul
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
Now middle school's here, a new chapter in life
New stepdad, too, made my mama his wife
Got new problems now, like tryna fit in
Getting looked down on just because of your skin
It's bad enough, I can't afford them clothes
Got high water's on with holes in my sole
Now, that's the type of stuff to put a hole in your soul
But, uh, I'm just gonna, uh, I'm just gonna
I'm gonna let it go
Forgiveness is something we gotta know
'Cause if you hold on forever, it'll hurt your soul
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
I'm grown up now, I learned enough for a song
Still got some friends, but most of 'em gone
Overdoses or killed by a gun
Breaking into houses, life on the run
Did it for his kid, now he won't be around
Guess the little one's gonna be just like me now
If you're carrying the bitterness around on your shoulders
Then just remember what I told you
Sing it
I'm gonna let it go
Forgiveness is something we gotta know
'Cause if you hold on forever, it'll hurt your soul
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
That's why I'm learning how to let it go
I'm learning how to let it go

Mots clés

kane brown learning
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