Jonas Brothers Hesitate

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HesitateJonas Brothers

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Temps: 03:41 Taille: 3.39 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 6



Jonas Brothers Hesitate Paroles de chanson

Kiss the tears right off your face
Won't get scared, that's the old, old, old me
I'll be there, time and place
Lay it on me, all you're hold, hold, holding
Time, time only heals if we work through it now
And I promise we'll figure this out
I will take your pain
And put it on my heart
I won't hesitate
Just tell me where to start
I thank the oceans for giving me you
You saved me once and now I'll save you too
I won't hesitate for you
Don't you ever say goodbye
Cross my heart, and you can keep, keep, keep mine
If I could only read your mind
Then I could map out all the ways to make it right
Time, time only heals if we work through it now
I, I promise we'll figure this out
I will take your pain
And put it on my heart
I won't hesitate
Just tell me where to start
I thank the oceans for giving me you
You saved me once and now I'll save you too
I won't hesitate for you
Pull me close and I'll hold you tight
Don't be scared 'cause I'm on your side
Know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you
Pull me close and I'll hold you tight
Don't be scared 'cause I'm on your side
Know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you
I will take your pain
And put it on my heart
I won't hesitate
Just tell me where to start
I thank the oceans for giving me you
You saved me once and I'll save you too
I won't hesitate for you

Mots clés

jonas brothers hesitate
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