Jason Derulo The Other Side

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The Other SideJason Derulo

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Jason Derulo The Other Side Paroles de chanson

Jason Derulo The Other Side Şarkı Sözleri

In the beginning
I never thought it would be you
When we were chillin
Smiling in the photo booth
But we got closer (Yeah)
‘Till you were eating off my spoon
And coming over
And we would talk all afternoon
Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Bind your hands all over me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, 'We're going all the wayTonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
This could be perfect
But we won't know unless we try (Try)
I know you're nervous
So just sit back and let me drive
Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Bind your hands all over me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, 'We're going all the wayTonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
Kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Let your love crash into me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, 'We're going all the wayTonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
Take me to the other side
And take me to the other side
Kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side

Mots clés

jason derulo the other side
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