Iron Maiden Coming Home

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Coming HomeIron Maiden

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Temps: 05:54 Taille: 5.42 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 19


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Iron Maiden Coming Home Paroles de chanson

When I stand before you shining in the early morning sun
When I feel the engines roar and I think of what we've done
Oh the bittersweet reflection as we kiss the earth goodbye
As the waves and echoes of the towns become the ghosts of time
Over borders that divide the earthbound tribes
No creed and no religion, just a hundred winged souls
We will ride this thunderbird, silver shadows on the earth
A thousand leagues away, our land of birth
To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay
Curving on the edge of daylight 'til it slips into the void
Waited in the long night, dreaming 'til the sun is born again
Stretched the fingers of my hand, covered countries with my span
Just a lonely satellite, speck of dust and cosmic sand
Over borders that divide the earthbound tribes
Through the dark Atlantic, over mariners stormy graves
We will ride this thunderbird, silver shadows on the earth
A thousand leagues away, our land of birth
To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay
To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay
Coming home, far away when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay

Mots clés

iron maiden coming home
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