Iron Maiden Blood Brothers

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Blood BrothersIron Maiden

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Temps: 07:14 Taille: 6.64 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 50


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Iron Maiden Blood Brothers Paroles de chanson

And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me
Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned?
Not if you're taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burnt
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
There are times when I feel I'm afraid for the world
There are times I'm ashamed of us all
When you're floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad
Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what life is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fate's own hand
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
We're blood brothers
And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life

Mots clés

iron maiden blood brothers
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