Imagine Dragons Thunder

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ThunderImagine Dragons

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Temps: 03:24 Taille: 3.12 Mb Téléchargements : 5 Vues: 174

Imagine Dragons - Thunder - Videoclip

Temps: 03:24 Taille: 54.38 Mb Format: .mp4 Téléchargements: 0 Vues: 174


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Imagine Dragons Thunder Paroles de chanson

Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger thingsAnd wanna leave my own life behind
Not a yes sir, not a follower
Fit the box, fit the mold
Have a seat in the foyer, take a number
I was lightning before the thunder

Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, thunder

Kids were laughing in my classes
While I was scheming for the masses
Who do you think you are?
Dreaming 'bout being a big star
You say you're basic, you say you're easy
You're always riding in the back seat
Now I'm smiling from the stage while
You were clapping in the nose bleeds

Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder (feel the)
Lightning and the thunder, thunder

Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Mots clés

imagine dragons thunder
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