Hadise On Top

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On TopHadise

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Temps: 03:39 Taille: 3.37 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 11



Hadise On Top Paroles de chanson

Hadise On Top Şarkı Sözleri

You just can't keep up with me
Did you run out of battery?
Do you need to refill
Guess I'll have some time to kill
You've been chasing my guy
You've been spreading mean lies
You don't know who you're dealing with
Girl you better face it
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
I'm in charge and I won't stop
I'm the one who calls the shots
Fight me if you got the guts
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
Try me, you can't keep me up
Once my army hits your shelves
You wish you could end this call
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
You've picked out the wrong one
My pain is a shotgun
You're playing with fire
You prefetic lyer
You declair me walking
Watch me put up your world
There's not a sky I won't hit
You've trespassed the limit
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
I'm in charge and I won't stop
I'm the one who calls the shots
Fight me if you got the guts
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
Try me, you can't keep me up
Once my army hits your shelves
You wish you could end this call
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
Remember how you used to say
You better not mess with Hadise
You better not mess with Hadise
You b*tch
Remember how you used to say
You better not mess with Hadise
I'm on top, girl, I'm on top
Try me, you can't keep me up
Once my army hits your shelves
You wish you could end this call
Remember how you used to say
You better not mess with Hadise
You better not mess with Hadise

Mots clés

hadise top
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