Gabriella Cilmi Safer

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SaferGabriella Cilmi

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Gabriella Cilmi Safer Paroles de chanson

That someone far from home said to me
I can tell, luck has run dry, what do you see?
The sky above's kind of broken and torn
And every rose plucked from my hearts twisted with thorns
And just when I think I'm on top I wonder how I'll get back down
And just then the moment is lost, I stumble and I hit the ground
And I just wanna feel a little safer, yeah I'm on my knees
And I don't wanna deal with all this later, the pain I just can't take
And I just wanna feel a little safer, yeah I'm on my knees
And I don't wanna deal with all this later, just drifting on the breeze
That someone in my head said to me, I can tell
Deep in your heart you'll find what you need
Wasted time building castles with sand
And every night I'll watch them fall and slip through my hands
And just when I think I'm on top I wonder how I'll get back down
And just then the moment is lost, I stumble and I hit the ground
And I just wanna feel a little safer, yeah I'm on my knees
And I don't wanna deal with all this later, the pain I just can't take
And I just wanna feel a little safer, yeah I'm on my knees
And I don't wanna deal with all this later, just drifting on the breeze

Mots clés

gabriella cilmi safer
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