Fall Out Boy The After Life Of The Party

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The After Life Of The PartyFall Out Boy

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Temps: 03:20 Taille: 3.07 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 18


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Fall Out Boy The After Life Of The Party Paroles de chanson

Fall Out Boy The (After) Life of the Party Şarkı Sözleri I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate
And eyes dilate
And the full moon pills got me out on the street at night
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room 
Put love on hold,
Young Hollywood is on the other line
Her nose runs ruby red 
Deaths in a double bed
Singing songs that could only catch the ear of the desperate
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate
And eyes dilate
Kiss away young thrills and kills on the mouths of all my friends
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
(Watch you work the room)
I'm a stitch away...

Mots clés

fall out boy the after life the party
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