Fall Out Boy I've Got All This Ringing

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I've Got All This RingingFall Out Boy

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Fall Out Boy I've Got All This Ringing Paroles de chanson

Fall Out Boy I've Got All This Ringing Şarkı Sözleri You're a canary, I'm coal mine
'Cause sorrow is just all the rage
Take one for the team
You all know what I mean
And I'm so sorry, but not really
Tell the boys where to find my body
New York eyes, Chicago thighs
Pushed up the window to kiss you off 
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
Do you remember the way I held your hand?
Under the lamp post and ran home
This way so many times
I could close my eyes
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth!
The truth!

Mots clés

fall out boy ive got all this ringing
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