Exodus War Is My Sheppard

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War Is My SheppardExodus

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Exodus War Is My Sheppard Paroles de chanson

You put your faith in Christianity
I put mine in artillery
My M-16, my lord and savior
Christ never done me a motherfucking favor
Pay for all of those in pain
For those who died in vain
Scars from battle nevermore
Still we march off to
War is my shepherd
Hate it if we can't comprehend it
Kill it if we don't understand it
Pray to god and your fate is sealed
As you die alone in the killing fields
Pay for all of those in pain
For those who died in vain
Scars from battle nevermore
Still we march off to
War is my shepherd
Farwell, Graham and Farahkahn
They need god, I need napalm
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition
My sermon is my demolition
War is
War is my
War is my shepherd

Mots clés

exodus war sheppard
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