Evanescence The Other Side

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The Other SideEvanescence

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Temps: 04:05 Taille: 3.76 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 49


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Evanescence The Other Side Paroles de chanson

Make me whole again
Open your eyes
Taunted by the shadowsOf your lie
Cold and far away
But not even mine
Undo everything
And take me

Never believing what they say
Cause I'm

Counting the days
To meet you on the other side
I will always be
Until the day that I see you
On the other side
Come and take me home

I'm not giving in
I want you back
Holding together by the shards of our past
Stole my heart away
I can't let you go
Break these chains
And let me fly to you

High above the world below
Over and over in my mind

Counting the days
To meet you on the other side
I will always be
Until the day that I see you
On the other side
Come and take me home...

I am so lost without my place
Inside your heart
I won't survive
I need to know you hear me
Awaken and released, my love

Counting the days
To meet you on the other side
I will always be...
Until the day
That I see you on the other side
Come and take me

Counting the days
To meet you on the other side
I will always be
Until the day that I see you
On the other side
Come and take me home

Mots clés

evanescence the other side
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