Evanescence Oceans

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Temps: 03:36 Taille: 3.32 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 11



Evanescence Oceans Paroles de chanson

Don't want to be the one to walk away

But I can't bear the thought of one more day

I think I finally understand what it means to be lost

Can't find the road to lead us out of this

A million miles from where we burned the bridge

Can't keep pretending everything's gonna be alright

With the whole world falling down on me

Cross the oceans in my mind

Find the strength to say goodbye

In the end you never can wash the blood from your hands

Fallen so far from where we were before

You'll never find what you've been searching for

Something to fill the void and make up for all of those missing pieces of you

Like I could only dream to do

Cross the oceans in my mind

Find the strength to say goodbye

Everything that we believed in was a lie

Cross the oceans in your mind

Find a way to blur the line

In the end you never can wash the blood from your hands

And we never learn

So we fall down again

Heaven, help me find a way to dream within this nightmare

Cross the oceans in my mind

Find the strength to say goodbye

Everything that we believed in was a lie

Cross the oceans in your mind

Find a way to blur the line

In the end you never can wash the blood from your hands

Mots clés

evanescence oceans
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