Dove Cameron Better In Stereo

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Better In StereoDove Cameron

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Temps: 03:02 Taille: 2.79 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 178


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Dove Cameron Better In Stereo Paroles de chanson

(Be-be-better in stereo)
(Be-be-better in stereo)
I'm up with the sunshine (Let's go)
I lace up my high tops (Oh, no)
Slam dunk, ready or not
Yeah, show me what you got
I'm under the spotlight (Holler)
I dare you, come on and follow
You dance to your own beat
I'll sing the melody

When you say yeah, I say no
When you say stop
All I wanna do is go, go, go!

The other half of me
The half I'll never be
The half that drives me crazy
The better half of me
The half I'll always need
But we both know
We're better in stereo
(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh
(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh

And when we're together (oh, yeah)
A sweet harmony, oh so rare
If we could just agree
We would go major league

When you say yeah, I say no
When you say stop
All I wanna do is go, go, go!

The other half of me
The half I'll never be
The half that drives me crazy
The better half of me
The half I'll always need
But we both know
We're better in stereo

You say it's wrong, I say it's right
You say it's black, I say it's white
You take a left, and I take right
But at the end of the day, we both know
We're better

The other half of me
The half I'll never be
The half that drives me crazy
The better half of me
The half I'll always need, yeah
We both know
We're better in stereo

(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh
Better in stereo
(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh
Better in stereo
(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh
Better in stereo
(Be-be-better in stereo) Oh-oh-oh
Better in stereo

Mots clés

dove cameron better stereo
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