Dove Cameron As Long As I Have You

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As Long As I Have YouDove Cameron

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Temps: 03:45 Taille: 3.45 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 13



Dove Cameron As Long As I Have You Paroles de chanson

I tried on my own, I thought I'd get there

Around and round, but I was only getting nowhere

Then you came along and gave me somethingSomething that I could believe in, trust in

And I won't go back again

As long as I have you

I can live like there's nothing left to lose

Unbreak every fracture in my heart

Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart

They say you gotta take the good with the bad

I'll take it all as long as I have

You, oooh

As long as I have

You, oooh

I've been spinning circles in this ocean

Stuck in my ways, but you put everything in motion

This time I want you to see the real me

I wanna open up completely, deeply

I'll never be alone again

As long as I have you

I can live like there's nothing left to lose

Unbreak every fracture in my heart

Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart

They say you gotta take the good with the bad

I'll take it all as long as I have

You, oooh

As long as I have

You, oooh

And I realize that now I'm better with you

You got here right on time

Yeah, you were my breakthrough

You are my breakthrough

As long as I have you

I can live like there's nothing left to lose

Unbreak every fracture in my heart

Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart

They say you gotta take the good with the bad

I'll take it all as long as I have

You, oooh

As long as I have

You, oooh

Mots clés

dove cameron long have you
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