DMX The Rain

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The RainDMX

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Temps: 03:29 Taille: 3.21 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 15



DMX The Rain Paroles de chanson

It's such a long, long train ride
It's such a long lonely ride back home
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
It's not that we gotta do what we do
It's what we know, so to me it ain't nothin but being true but
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
It doesn't have to be the way it is, you say it is
Just because for the past 20 years every day it is
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
I want to be able to walk out my front door
Without worrying about coming in conflict with the law cause...
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
If I follow him, they'll follow me
And I'll speak life into the words that you can see cause...
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
We get away wit every day shit
But every day shit catches up to you
When it does you can't say shit
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
If I don't, you will
What I won't, you still
What makes us feel like we gots to kill when
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
How many more lives must we lose?
How many more times must we choose to trust these fools?
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I gave it to you straight don't mix it, twist it up for some slick shit
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
I don't have to talk to it anymore
I don't have to walk to it anymore
I'm out the door
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
I want to find peace with the lord
I don't want to find a piece of the sword - I can't afford to
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
When every day of my life is a constant fight between wrong and right
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
I thank you lord for my life
I thank you lord for keeping the deuce when things got tight
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the pain
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain, stop the rain
(yea, what)
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
Only I, can stop, the rain
(Spoken) Only I can stop the rain cause the rain falls on me
Now I know, only I can stop the rain
Only I can stop the rain... I'm out...

Mots clés

dmx the rain
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