Dennis Lloyd Analyzing

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AnalyzingDennis Lloyd

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Temps: 02:40 Taille: 2.46 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 94


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Dennis Lloyd Analyzing Paroles de chanson

I see them with the suits and the ties and their motherfucking lies
I think about the choices they've made in their lives when they realized
Too scared to run away 'cause they don't want to hear all the people judging-
The people judging
-if they care
-if they don't
I just realized
I am going up right now
I've buried all my friends in the land of the god-
but I keep on fighting
I keep on fighting
I'm trying to find a way to deny all the shit that I should have done
I want to find a place with no race but the truth is I'll never find it
-I'll never find it
'Cause blood is all around on this ground and I don't think they really mind
I am going up now

Mots clés

dennis lloyd analyzing
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