Demir Demirkan I Conform

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I ConformDemir Demirkan

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Temps: 04:03 Taille: 3.73 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 63


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Demir Demirkan I Conform Paroles de chanson

Words and music by Demir Demirkan & Phil Galdston

War is peace
Free is slave
Blind is strength
True is fake
The words on the wall are the words in my head
To the faith and the flag I am pledged, with my blood, I am sworn
And I conform

One for all
All for one
Doubt, shame, repeat
Til I’m numb
There’s a book that I hide in the dark of my room
With a poem of a man who will fight for the right, through the storm But I conform

Sky of blue, field of green
Saved for me on my screen...
In the photo I fold in my pocket I’m a boy with my dad by the sea

Dreams are sins
Fear is trust
Hope is death
And die we must
The drones can bring anything I’d ever want
But they can’t bring back all that I've lost, all I mourn
A song that I sang on a beach with my friends
The words soaring high in the sky, under a sun, safe and warm...
For the truth that I learned from my father
For the fate of my children unborn
I conform

Mots clés

demir demirkan conform
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