Damageplan Moment of Truth

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Moment of TruthDamageplan

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Temps: 06:50 Taille: 6.28 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 8


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Damageplan Moment of Truth Paroles de chanson

There were times when I questioned my reasons
Thought I wouldn't last
Seemed the hand of God held my head
Somehow I fought back
It's still not over yet
No, it won't let me quit
Found myself more than just once
Praying down on my knees
My search for answers only led to more questions
Sometimes for faith you've got to bleed
By now I've bled my share
Now it's my turn to redeem
When it comes my way, I won't be scared
I've been waiting all my life
Pain has prepared me for the moment of truth
And the true test of time
Give all you have because you believe
Sell your mortal soul
And if you're not a predator then, oh - you better pray
Bet it all now or fold
But there's still a danger there
Don't become one of them
When it comes my way, I won't be scared
I've been waiting all my life
Pain has prepared me for the moment of truth
And the true test of time
For all I've done - some good some bad
Don't hang me just yet
Judge me not on one thing I've done
See my whole life instead
When it comes my way, I won't be scared
I've been waiting all my life
Pain has prepared me for the moment of truth
And the true test of time

Mots clés

damageplan moment truth
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