Coolio 1,2,3,4

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Temps: 03:45 Taille: 3.45 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 113


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Coolio 1,2,3,4 Paroles de chanson

Faith, it looks familiar
The walls, drop a portrait of my past
And the hands of God they cry
As every second of the hour goes by

And the wheels kept pushing me
And the wheels have come to take me alive
The wheels behind me I'm told
Bring me away to something I cannot hold

Fadin' to find me but before that
I'll fade away, changing

Life, it's not so simple
Nature, wishing we'll not sever the law
Save my child life
I couldn't have done much better than before

And the wheels kept pushing me
And the wheels have come to take me alive
The wheels behind me I'm told
Bring me away to something I cannot hold

Fadin' to find me, but before that
I'll fade away, changing

The hands of God they cry
As every second of the hour goes by

And the wheels kept pushing me
And the wheels have come to take me alive
The wheels behind me I'm told
Bring me away to something I cannot hold

Fadin' to find me, but before that
I'll fade away, changing


Mots clés

coolio 1234
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