Can Gox Wrong Side of the Road

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Wrong Side of the RoadCan Gox

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Temps: 05:23 Taille: 4.94 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 85


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Can Gox Wrong Side of the Road Paroles de chanson

On the wrong side of the road
In the dark and the cold
Staring at the signs
That trouble my mind
If there's anyone out there
Who can hear this man's cry
It's just an old fool
Who's about to die
On the wrong side of the road
Things move slow
On the wrong side of the road
Can't get back home
On the wrong side of the road
Where the cold winds blow
look over my shoulder
shiver to the bone
I can feel them near
Cause I hear them talk
They're (all) out to get me
They wanna see me fall
On the wrong side of the road
It's always cold
On the wrong side of the road
I lost all hope
On the wrong side of the road
Death is slow
On the wrong side of the road
I'll never get back home
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
Of the road
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
Of the road
On the wrong side of the road
On the wrong side of the road
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
Of the road
On the wrong side
(On the wrong side)
Of the road

Mots clés

can gox wrong side the road
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