BTS We are Bulletproof the Eternal

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We are Bulletproof the EternalBTS

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BTS We are Bulletproof the Eternal Paroles de chanson

We had nothing but dreams
Nothing but foggy mornings when we opened our eyes
We stayed up all night to dance and sing
The endless music sheets

Ay, we bravely shout
“Throw all you have”
First fight with the world
Don’t wanna die
But so much pain
Too much cryin’
So blunted blades

Oh I
We were only seven
But we have you all now
After seven winters and springs
At the tips of our entwined fingers
Oh I
Yeah, we got to heaven

Throw stones at me
We don’t fear anymore
We are we are together, bulletproof
(Yeah we have you have you)
Even if winter comes again
Even if I’m blocked off, I will still walk
We are we are forever, bulletproof
(Yeah, we got to heaven)

We are bullet-bullet-bulletproof
We faced the negative looks and did it
Bad memories, numerous trials
We bravely blocked them all, bulletproof

I always think
Am I still in a dream?
Is it really spring
That came after the long winter?
The name that everyone laughed at
That was once embarrassing
This is the iron proof

Oh I
We were only seven
But we have you all now
After seven winters and springs
At the tips of our entwined fingers
Oh I
Yeah, we got to heaven

Throw stones at me
We don’t fear anymore
We are we are together, bulletproof
(Yeah we have you have you)
Even if winter comes again
Even if I’m blocked off, I will still walk
We are we are forever, bulletproof
(Yeah, we got to heaven)

Oh oh
I will never stop again
For we are together here
Tell me your every story
Tell me why you don’t stop this
Tell me why you still walkin’
Walkin’ with us
(Yeah we got to heaven)

Throw stones at me
We don’t fear anymore
We are, we are together bulletproof
(Yeah, we have you, have you)
Even if winter comes again
Even if I’m blocked off, I will still walk
We are, we are forever, bulletproof
(Yeah we got to heaven)

(Yeah, we have you, have you)
Yeah we are not seven, with you
Yeah we are not seven, with you

Yeah we are not seven
With you
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