Bring Me the Horizon Sleepwalking

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SleepwalkingBring Me the Horizon

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Temps: 03:46 Taille: 3.47 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 89


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Bring Me the Horizon Sleepwalking Paroles de chanson

My secrets are buried now
From my heart and my bones catch a fever
When it cuts you up this deep
It's hard to find a way to breathe
Your eyes are swallowing me
Mirrors start to whisper
Shadows start to see
My skin's smothering me
Help me find a way to breathe
Time stood still
The way it did before
It's like I'm sleepwalking
Fell into another hole I got
It's like I'm sleepwalking
I'm at the edge of the world
Where do I go from here?
Do I disappear?
Edge of the world
Should I sink or swim?
Or simply disappear?
Your eyes are swallowing me
Mirrors start to whisper
Shadows start to see
My skin's smothering me
Help me find a way to breathe
Seeing as time stood still
The way it did before
It's like I'm sleepwalking
Fell into another hole I got
It's like I'm sleepwalking
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