Bring Me the Horizon Avalanche

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AvalancheBring Me the Horizon

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Temps: 04:17 Taille: 3.94 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 21


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Bring Me the Horizon Avalanche Paroles de chanson

Cut me open and tell me what's inside

Diagnose me 'cause I can't keep wondering why

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

'Cause I'm going out, I'll fake what's real

Can anyone respond?

It's like an avalanche

I feel myself go under

'Cause the weight of it's like hands around my neck

I never stood a chance

My heart is frozen over

And I feel like I am treading on thin ice

Am I broken, what's the chance I will survive?

Don't sugarcoat me, 'cause I feel like suicide

Just give it to me straight 'cause I'm running out of time

I need an antidote, now what can you prescribe

It's like an avalanche

I feel myself go under

'Cause the weight of it's like hands around my neck

I never stood a chance

My heart…

Mots clés

bring the horizon avalanche
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