Bebe Rexha Im Gonna Show You Crazy

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Im Gonna Show You CrazyBebe Rexha

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Temps: 04:45 Taille: 4.36 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 18



Bebe Rexha Im Gonna Show You Crazy Paroles de chanson

There's a war inside my head

Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken

So I call this therapist

And she said, "Girl, you can't be fixed, just take this."

I'm tired of trying to be normal

I'm always over-thinking

I'm driving myself crazy

So what if I'm fucking crazy?

And I don't need your quick fix

I don't want your prescriptions

Just 'cause you say I'm crazy

So what if I'm fucking crazy?

Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath,

Yeah, I'm gonna show you

I'm gonna show you,

Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Mental out my brain, bad shit go insane,

Yeah, I'm gonna show you

I'm gonna show you

Yeah, I'm gonna show you

I've been searching city streets

Trying to find the missing piece like you said

And I say child don't need to find

There's not a single…

Mots clés

bebe rexha gonna show you crazy
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