Atomic Kitten Whole Again

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Whole AgainAtomic Kitten

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Temps: 03:04 Taille: 2.83 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 102


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Atomic Kitten Whole Again Paroles de chanson

If you see me walking down the street
Staring at the sky and dragging my two feet
You just pass me by
It still makes me cry but you can make me whole again
And if you see me with another man laughing and joking
Doing what I can
I won't put you down, 'cause I want you around
You can make me whole again
Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby, you're the one
You still turn me on
You can make me whole again
Time is laying heavy on my heart
Seems I've got too much of it since we've been apart
My friends make me smile if only for while
You can make me whole again
Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby, you're the one
You still turn me on
You can make me whole again
For now I'll have to wait
But, baby, if you change your mind don't be too late
'Cause I just can't go on
It's already been too long
But you can make me whole again
Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby, you're the one
You still turn me on
You can make me whole again
Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby, you're the one
You still turn me on
You can make me whole again
Ooh, baby, you're the one
You still turn me on
You can make me whole again

Mots clés

atomic kitten whole again
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