Arctic Monkeys One For The Road

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One For The RoadArctic Monkeys

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Temps: 03:26 Taille: 3.16 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 55


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Arctic Monkeys One For The Road Paroles de chanson

Arctic Monkeys One For The Road Sözleri

One for the road, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh

From the bottom of your heart
The relegation zone
I saw this coming from the start
The shake, rattle and roll
The cracks in blackout blinds
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
I thought it was dark outside
I thought it was dark outside

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me round baby, I feel like I've been in here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go,
Will you pour me one for the road?

I knew this would be on the cards
I knew you wouldn't fold
I saw this coming from the start
The shake, rattle and roll
One for the road, ooh ooh

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me round baby, I feel like I've been in here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go,
Will you pour me one for the road?

The mixture hits you hard
Don't get that sinking feeling, don't fall apart
Some out of tune guitar
Soundtrack to disaster

Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me round baby, I feel like I've been in here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go,
Will you pour me one for the road?

Mots clés

arctic monkeys one for the road
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