Anna Naklab Whole

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WholeAnna Naklab

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Temps: 03:55 Taille: 3.61 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 6



Anna Naklab Whole Paroles de chanson

We both know
The things we're not
(We don't need no one to tell us)
What this is
Like we forgot
(We don't need no one to tell us)
They are the liars and we are the truth
Nothing they say comes between me and you
Know I love ya
Even when I hate ya,
Even when I'm breaking in two
I act like I am better on my own
And baby when you're gone that's when I know
You make me whole
Whenever we're apart
I'm only half a heart
You need to know
You make me whole
Fall in love
Or fall apart
(We don't need no one to tell us)
When to stop
Or where to start
(We don't need no one to tell us)
They are the liars and we are the truth
Nothing they say comes between me and you
Know I love ya
Even when I hate ya,
Even when I'm breaking in two
I act like I am better on my own
And baby when you're gone that's when I know
You make me whole
Whenever we're apart
I'm only half a heart
You need to know
You make me whole
You're the fire to my spark
Anyone can see
You're the light to my darkness
Where would I be?
You're the writing on my wall
Every time you go
I know I know
You make me whole
I will be I will be
I will be there when you need me
I will be I will be
I will be there when you need me
(You make me)
(You make me)
I will be I will be
I will be there when you need me
(You make me)
(You make me)
I will be I will be
(You make me)
(You make me)
I act like I am better on my own
And baby when you're gone that's when I know
You make me whole
Whenever we're apart
I'm only half a heart
You need to know
You make me whole
You're the fire to my spark
Anyone can see
You're the light to my darkness
Where would I be?
You're the writing on my wall
Every time you go
I know I know
You make me whole

Anna Naklab Autres chansons :

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anna naklab whole
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