Anabel Englund Spell My Name

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Spell My NameAnabel Englund

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Temps: 02:53 Taille: 2.66 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 55


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Anabel Englund Spell My Name Paroles de chanson

Do you know how to spell my name?
Do you know I like feeling the bass?
I want you to explore me with all of your body
Summer's here, I think to stay
I wanna hang with you and play all day
I think we should hang out forever
Just us two

We said we'd go from the beach to the valley
And everyone knows that I like it that way
Leave on a Sunday, come back on a Monday
Everyone knows that I'll be good that way
(I'll be good that way, hmm)

Can we do it all again?
Can you come over here and grab my hand?
I want you to explore me with all of your body
Can we go night swimming?
Can we do underwater kissin'?
I think we should hang out forever
Just us two

We said we'd go from the beach to the valley
And everyone knows that I like it that way
Leave on a Sunday, come back on a Monday
Everyone knows that I'll be good that way

Yeah, I've been thinking about it
I wanna know about it
Yeah, I've been thinking about it, about it, about it
I wanna know about it
Yeah, I've been thinking about it
I wanna know about it
Yeah, I've been thinking about it, about it, about it

We said we'd go from the beach to the valley
And everyone knows that I like it that way
Leave on a Sunday, come back on a Monday
Everyone knows that I'll be good that way
I'll be good that way

Mots clés

anabel englund spell name
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