Amr Diab Wala Ala Balo

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Wala Ala BaloAmr Diab

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Amr Diab Wala Ala Balo Paroles de chanson

My darling has no clue about my love for her
She's on my mind and so I call for her
And many nights I think of her, and long for her, but she has no clue. (x2)

It's enough that it's been a day and a night,
That she has been on my mind, and I can't sleep at night.
And many nights I think of her, and long for her, but she has no clue.

My darling has no clue about my love for her
She's on my mind and so I call for her
And many nights I think of her, and long for her, but she has no clue. (x2)

Her eyes tell me words that I cant resist.
They filled my heart with love and the sweetest of tortures.
And many nights I think of her, and long for her, but she has no clue. (x2)

(English rap)
Dance to the beat with the rhythm of the Nile.
Egyptian sounds from the land of the Nile.
Dance to the beat with the rhythm of the Nile.
Egyptian sounds from the land of the Nile.
Dance to the beat - with the dance to the beat -
with the dance - with the dance to the band of the Nile.
Mystical, magical, and digital sound.
Amr Diab's remix have gotten around.
Let's dance!

My darling has no clue about my love for her
She's on my mind and so I call for her
And many nights I think of her, and long for her, but she has no clue.

Mots clés

amr diab wala ala balo
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