Alan Walker Different World

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Different WorldAlan Walker

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Temps: 03:42 Taille: 3.40 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 14



Alan Walker Different World Paroles de chanson

All we know

Left untold

Beaten by a broken dreamNothing like what it used to be

(Used to be)

We've been chasing our demons down an empty road

Been watching our castle turning into dust

Escaping our shadows just to end up here, once more

And we both know

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

Broken smile, tired eyes

I can feel your longing heart

Call my name, howling from afar

We've been fighting our demons just to stay afloat

Been building a castle just to watch it fall

Been running forever just to end up here, once more

And now we know

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

Take me back

Back to the mountainside

Under the Northern Lights

Chasing the stars

Take me back

Back to the mountainside

When we were full of life

Back to the start

And we both know that

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

Mots clés

alan walker different world
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