Accept Too High To Get It Right

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Too High To Get It RightAccept

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Temps: 03:47 Taille: 3.48 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 10


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Accept Too High To Get It Right Paroles de chanson

Getting everything is easy for you
Fail for anything is something you can't do
If it doesn't work in the way you want it for
You start dreaming until it's right

Lie is lie - and truth is truth
You'll turn it 'round, let someone else go down
You won't remember and no one would wonder
How you change it upside down

Too high to get it right
(too high to get - too high to get)
Too high to get it right

(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right
(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right

To get it right

You can't deny it you're leaving your world
You are so restless, who's the one who's hurt
Living in your dreams and who seems to care
Cheating you is easy, 'cause you don't understand

Holding on - letting loose
Don't you feel that you are confused
Too many words - not spoken out
Too many things you've not thought about

Too high to get it right
(too high to get - too high to get)
Too high to get it right

(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right
(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right

(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right
(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right

(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right
(too high to get it right) - to get it right
(too high to get it right) - too high to get it right

(too high to get it - too high to get it - too high to get it)

Too high to get it (right)

Mots clés

accept too high get right
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