50 Cent feat Akon-Still Will

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feat Akon-Still Will50 Cent

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Temps: 04:44 Taille: 4.35 Mb Téléchargements : 17 Vues: 12



50 Cent feat Akon-Still Will Paroles de chanson

Don't even look at me wrong when I come through the hood

Ain't nothin' changed, still holla at my homies

And when I hit the block, I still will kill

And I don't want, nigga but I will

If I got to, kill

If niggas get to fuckin' around, if niggas get to fuckin' around

Respect come from admiration and fear

You can admire me or you can catch one in ya wig

You see the Testarosa the toaster's right on my lap

So if a nigga get out of line, a nigga get clapped

I got an arsenal a infantry, I'm built for this mentally

That's why I'm the general, I do what they pretend to do

Front on me now nigga I'll be the end of you

Forget ya enemies and think of what ya friends'll do

I drop a bag off, then let a mag off

The Heckler & Koch'll tear half of ya ass off

I'm not for…

Mots clés

cent feat akon still will
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